As I have mentioned before, I love listening to Focus on the Family. The author of this book, Nina Roesner, was featured in two segments and really spoke to my heart. I have mentioned in past posts about the book Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs . This book takes it deeper for the women's side of respecting her husband. In this age of distorted feminism, I believe this book is timely.
Check out for more information.
Another great resource is not a book but a video series from Tim Kimmel's Grace Based Parenting. There is a book, which I am positive I will purchase but I am really loving watching the videos of him teaching from his book. His whole point is to have us come to a place where we love our kids like God loves us. I am not good at that!!! I desire for my children to know God's love through my parenting and the way I love others. This book is a good supplement to help us get there.
Check out for more information.
Any great books that you could suggest for women/moms? Maybe your suggestion is another person's answer.
Have a great day!