Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Two Books that are Rocking My World

Some areas where I have really been seeking God are in parenting a defiant three year old and being a better wife.  Now I know you all assumed that I was some dream wife (ha ha) but I am not.  I have been married before and with that experience comes the wisdom that problems don't follow you twice…you bring them.  I guess I can say that I have been blessed in this situation because it shows the common denominator in relationship issues…MOI!  Tough cookie to swallow.  Most of my learning and growing has come from praying, reading the Bible (the greatest instruction book EVER!) and seeking wisdom from a couple of confidents.  These two books have really shook my perspective and I believe, by the grace of God, are setting me on a great path to becoming a more loving mom and wife.

As I have mentioned before, I love listening to Focus on the Family.  The author of this book, Nina Roesner, was featured in two segments and really spoke to my heart.  I have mentioned in past posts about the book Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs .  This book takes it deeper for the women's side of respecting her husband.  In this age of distorted feminism, I believe this book is timely.

Check out for more information.

Another great resource is not a book but a video series from Tim Kimmel's Grace Based Parenting.  There is a book, which I am positive I will purchase but I am really loving watching the videos of him teaching from his book.  His whole point is to have us come to a place where we love our kids like God loves us. I am not good at that!!!  I desire for my children to know God's love through my parenting and the way I love others.  This book is a good supplement to help us get there.  

Check out for more information.  

Any great books that you could suggest for women/moms?  Maybe your suggestion is another person's answer.  

Have a great day! 

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Oatmeal Casserole

In attempts to keep the boys from asking for second and third helpings of cereal, I made this yummy oatmeal casserole.  In speaking to many moms, I understand that even when it's a hearty eggs and bacon breakfast, they still seem to be starving a half hour later.  However, I was looking for something more enjoyable for myself as well....and it worked. It was delicious! 

Funny thing, I followed a recipe that called for chocolate chips but used raisins instead, and the kids actually said they could taste chocolate. chocolate but tastes like chocolate (I think it was the buttery baked pecans). 

the recipe: 
2 cups of rolled oats 
1/3 cup brown sugar (I substituted with Organic Coconut Palm Sugar)
1 tsp baking powder 
1 tsp cinnamon 
1/2 tsp salt 
1 cup pecans or walnuts
1 cup berries (your choice)
1/2 cup raisins
2 cups milk
1 large egg
3 Tlbs butter (melted)
1 tsp vanilla
1 banana, peeled and sliced 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 2 qt baking dish. 
In a large bowl mix together oats, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, half of the nuts, half of the berries and half of the raisins. 

In another bowl mix milk, egg, butter and vanilla.  

Add oat mixture to baking dish.  Place the remaining nuts, berries and raisins on top of the mixture.  Place the banana slices on the mixture. 

Pour the milk mixture over top of the oat mixture and shake the dish so that the oats are all moistened. 

Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes or until the casserole is golden brown and the milk mixture has set.  
