Friday, 1 February 2013

On the Lighter Side-Smashing Cinnamon Buns

It has been a good week.  I love people and I love food.  This week is full of getting together with some great people for meals and great conversation.  I am very grateful for the variety of friends and acquaintances (friends-to-be) that I have.  I appreciate that God encourages us to break bread together and enjoy fellowship.  There is just something so comforting to me about sitting around a table with a group of people. 
Speaking of comfort and food, I have the most amazing cinnamon bun recipe.  I am no expert baker but I can sure fool people with these yummers.  They are so easy to make too. Enjoy!  

Cinnamon Rolls rising

I know you were just dying to know how to make those smashable cotton balls I mentioned in My Highlight Reel post.  Super duper easy.  I made them the Pinterest Best Activity of the Week.  Just keep them away from small children and animals because once they come out of the oven, they look and smell like food. Just ask Stewart (our dog).

If you are blog-crazy like myself, check out some of the ones I follow.

Today, was one of those lock the bathroom door kind of days. Mom, you know what I am talking about. If that door does not get locked, it gets opened...every....time!  

Have a great weekend. 

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