Friday, 8 March 2013


Alas, my dear husband is home.  We are all slowly adjusting to "normality" again.  Ryan is doing surprisingly well with his jet lag.  On one of the last nights before he came home, I wanted to come up with something fun for the boys and I to do at bedtime.  They loved going out with flashlights before so we did it again but as an adventure.  We packed our backpacks for a camp-out, complete with snacks and books to read and headed out around the block.  The chunks of snow became dangerous icebergs to climb, the water running along the sidewalks became crocodile infested waters and the shadows around us became bears to run from.  While we did this, my parents built a tent for the boys in our bonus room.  When we returned home, we discovered our campsite, complete with cracking fire (love those Yule Log dvds).  The boys had a blast in there and once they actually calmed down, they slept well there all through the night.  They have asked when they can bring Daddy along on a camp-out next  

I mentioned cloth diapers a long time ago.  I am experimenting with making my own cloth diaper detergent.  My girlfriend who is a cloth diaper guru said that she uses Norwex's clothing detergent and I do use it when I have the money to do so.  I find that I need to add some of their odour remover and do an extra rinse and that has seemed to help.  I found an easy recipe for cloth diaper detergent on the Elisa Loves blog.  Elisa Loves.  
I couldn't find the Sun Oxygen cleaner that she suggested but thought OxiClean was the same thing.  The first time I bought OxiClean MaxForce with power crystals (that is all that I could find in the store) but it was too strong and caused irritation.  I am trying just the regular OxiClean now and hope that I found the affordable fix.  

Lastly, my Pinterest Best Activity of the Week is from Plain Vanilla Mom.  This one is for the babies....but I am sure the toddlers and pre-schoolers would enjoy it too!  Let me know if you try it and how it works. 

Have a great weekend.  

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