Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Box- a kid's best toy:Take Two

I realized that the buttons for the blogs I have below did not actually link to anything.  New blogger mistake.  It's now fixed, enjoy your perusal.
Our family has been blessed with an abundance of food from various people this week.  Living in faith of the Lord's provision can be both scary and exciting at times.  This week has been mostly exciting.  We are actually running out of room and sent a bag of food home with one of our church families.  I love showing our boys how God loves us through these generous offerings from His people.  That being said, we have a pile of boxes in our hallway and the boys have been busy!  I thought I would make that this week's Pinterest Best Activity of the Week.  A box.  Get a box or two, put them out where your kids frequent and see what they do.  We have had boats, cars, garages, drawing tables and oversized hats.

I have mentioned a few of the blogs that I follow here and there and thought I would share the links to some of my favourites.  Warning: If you haven't become a blog addict already, this may take you there. It's a tangled web that easily to get caught up into.  The majority of my email is filled with blog updates.  I love it!  Everyone has a different gift represented and all of them have great wisdom and encouragement.  One thing,  if you find a few favourites, don't forget about me. (smile)

I share this one a lot. She speaks straight to my heart. 

Home with the Boys- need encouragement in fitness (particularly running) and faith? She is also a big reader has great recommendations on books.

This wonder of a woman just had her eighth baby!  She is a wealth of wisdom in parenting, homeschooling and all that goes with it. She has also lost a baby and is a great encourager for those who are grieving the loss of a child. 

  I love this girl's style.  She does this great feature on Wednesday's called What I Wore Wednesday.  It has challenged me to get out of my sweats and "try" it more often. 

Awesome ideas for activities and party themes.  Their family loves forts just as much as ours.  Fort Fridays!!

Urban Nester- I am sure I find Molly's blog through Pinterest.  I appreciate her sense of style and admire her ministry to college students in Utah. 

I haven't even looked at this yet but found it on the Urban Nester blog while making this post.  Looks interesting! 

If you can get over the jealousy of this surfer mom living in Hawaii, then you will surely enjoy her wisdom and stories of raising four boys (groms).  

Modern Parents Messy Kids All around great blog for home organization, recipes and activities.  

There are more, which I can share another time.  I honestly don't read them every day but when I have a moment while nursing or enjoying a coffee, these are a nice treat.  It's like sitting down with a friend for a warm and encouraging chit chat.  I hope that you feel the same when you take the time to read my blog.  Have any ideas of topics you would like me to cover?  I would love to hear from you. 

Have a great day! 


  1. Wow--thank you SO much for mentioning my blog. I am honored! :)
    I am also very glad to have now found your blog. your family looks lovely and your heart is clearly amazing.
    Bless you and ALOHA! :)

    1. My pleasure Monica. I couldn't keep your goodness all to myself. Aloha and blessings to you and your beautiful family.
