Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Wordless Wednesday-a look back

 It has been rainy, rainy, rainy here.  It even hailed yesterday.  We are going to try to go to the zoo anyway today.  I have been in a bit of a grump slump the last couple of days so looking back at photos has been a comfort and a joy.  Thought I would share them with you.  Check out other Wordless Wednesday blog posts at The Jenny Evolution.

Munch braving the storm and Bubblegum preparing for the thunder. 

My Mother's Day surprise; breakfast in bed and a thoughtful gift.
Pizza Parlour fun. Remember how I said there is a difference between boys and girls?  This pizza was done the quickest. 

The chef and the server. 

At this restaurant, the chef sits on your lap and eats with you. 

This server deserves a big tip! 

Bubblegum eats peppers like apples. 

Stampede season is coming. That means pancake breakfasts and horse rides.  The boys have their cowboy boots ready and are stoked!

I hope this post brought you some smiles as it did me.  Feel free to email me a photo that makes you smile and I will add it to a Wordless Wednesday post in the future.  Have great day!
(and stay warm Calgary moms! )

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