See that man riding with Munch on the sea-doo....that's my dad. I am so proud to be his daughter. This picture is fitting because it shows him doing something he loves: being on the lake and bringing joy to his grandkids.
I grew up knowing that I was very blessed. Dad was very involved in our lives; whether it was attending our sports games, driving me to the orthodontist, attending my grade 8 home-ec luncheon with all the moms or teaching me how to change a flat tire. He is very sensitive and kind...and a people person through and through. He has been known to go for walks on vacations all over the world and coming back with a story of meeting someone who knows someone he knows. He is goofy, which is why the kids love him so much and encouraging. Over his sixty-some rounds of chemo (you read right, over 60 rounds. He is a walking miracle), he has touched many people fighting Cancer with humour, love and encouragement. In his sickest of moments, he still is thinking of other people and how to make them feel good. His Cancer returned just when I was pregnant with my first and he has fought through nausea, tiredness, pain and sadness to provide a fun and involved grandpa to his grand kids. I know that am blessed to have this man for a dad. He is one-of-a-kind. I love him so much.
Maybe you don't have a dad to celebrate with today. I am praying that you would be comforted at this time. I hope you don't think it trite for me to say that there is a Father who loves you more than any man ever could. God, our Heavenly Father, your Maker, looks at you with awe and pleasure. God showed His love by becoming a human being, in the person of Jesus Christ and reaching out to His lost and broken children. He then was willingly beaten, murdered and later died so that the necessary punishment of our sin would not be held against us. He is patiently waiting for His children who have not yet accepted this, to turn their faces to Him and believe what He says is true. I pray that today would be the day those who have not known the Father's love, would know it. My dad is amazing. My heavenly Father is glorious!
Happy Father's Day to any dads who are reading this Mommy blog. Have a great day friends!
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