Saturday, 20 July 2013


When I purchased my carrot seeds I could taste the earthiness of the true garden carrot.  When I dropped the three different types of lettuce seeds into the earth and covered them up, I envisioned stopping by just before supper to pick up the main ingredient of a yummy and colourful salad.  When Phyllis, the owner of the land my garden is on, mentioned weeding, I looked forward to having my boys frolic through the tall grass while I effortlessly pulled the little mound of weeds in my lush garden.  Then reality hit.  The weeds invaded fast and strong and by the time I actually got a moment to do it I had to bring help (thank you Mom, Dad, Jenna and Ryan) and it took hours...and blisters!  As I planned for our vacation my mom reminded me that I needed to arrange for someone to come and pick the lettuce or it would go hard and that the carrots needed to be thinned out. What?! I was still trying to find someone to take the dog!
And the kids....well, maybe 4,2 and 10 months is a bit young for helping in a garden.  Although, they did do a good job of running pails of weeds to the pit (not Baby Goo, of course).  They are much too citified not to require supervision.  In time.  
Phyllis encouraged me by saying that at one time, she too, had no idea what she was doing.  Now she is a garden whiz kid.  My dad on the other hand took the other approach, "Or you could just go buy it at the grocery store".  Ryan and I both grew up with gardens and long for the taste of garden beans, carrots and raspberries.  Right now, the perfectionist/lazy girl in me wants to quit because it requires too many neural pathways to be created in my brain over too long of a time...but...for the bounty that is to come, I will press on!  There must be a trace of my family's green thumbness somewhere in me.  I will continue, I will break more blisters, endure more mosquito bites, fight for more time...all for the glorious dream of my own garden.  

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