Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Getting in the Christmas Mood

Here I am, sitting with a Chai Latte and enjoying the hilarious advice of Dr. Kevin Leman on my Focus on the Family app.  If you have not added this app to your mobile device, you must!  They have wonderful podcasts on parenting, marriage, social issues and spiritual issues.  The one I am listening to right now is Practical Advice for Parenting Powerful Kids.  Dr. Kevin Leman is the author of How to Have a New Kid by Friday and The Birth Order Book.  He is so funny but also very practical and challenging.  

I digress... this is a post to help me get in the Christmas holiday mood.  Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas!  I love celebrating the birth of The One who saved me and changed my heart and gave me hope after this earthly life.  Love it!  However, the thought of trying to decorate and bake with three active boys…who want to be involved in EVERYTHING…is enough to make me hide under the covers until boxing day.  

I am hoping that looking at the cute little chocolate snowmen and christmas balls with kids' handprints on them will swoon me into the festive spirit.  Here are some great things that I have found.  Feel free to share your fun ideas for kids' crafts, decorating and yummies.  I feel kind of lonely here when no one responds (yes, I am trying to use guilt to make your comment).  

Enjoy! Fa la la la la…

Aren't these beautiful? This is something I will do myself as it may be a little complicated for the littles…but I would love to see them around the house.  Thank you to Handimania for this great tutorial. 

My boys love gum. I mean LUUUV gum.  This is the greatest advent calendar ever!  No fanciness or chocolate required. Love it! This great idea came from My Little Mochi.

I saw this on a friend's Facebook page and the snowman grabbed my attention. Too cute.  There are many more fun recipes ideas on this food segment of  Buzz Feed.

Once again, feel free to share your ideas.  Have a great week!  

Friday, 22 November 2013

Photo Sneak-a-Peek into our Day

 One morning in our household. These photos were taken before 9 am.  Enjoy! 
(I took these with my horrible cell phone which is soon to be replaced by my first iPhone. Yay!) 

Bubblegum drums several times a day on those silly broken drum pads.  His latest tune is Come Thou Fount. 

Goo is obsessed with brushing his teeth. I guess that's a good thing. 

One of the kids pooped in the tub last night. I was greatful for my disinfectant from Melaleuca. 

We do it ol' school in our home. Since the three year old is screen free, we have invested in the old style Leap Pads; the boys love learning with them. 

I finally gave in to Lego. What a wonderfully timeless toy. The boys mix it up between their new Lego and their daddy's old Lego. 

A crayon bomb was detonated in the living room this morning. It kind of looks like a heart. Awww. 

This is what you get when you tell the kids they can dress themselves. 

Have a great weekend.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Homeschooling-active ways to learn letters and their sounds

I haven't posted much about our first year of homeschooling. To be perfectly honest, I have felt very insecure in this adventure.  When people asked how it was going I would start this rambling rant about how we are taking it slow because after all it is just kindergarten and Munch is a natural learner so I am just making sure I am more intentional, blah, blah, blah... Now, I just say, "It's going well, thank-you." 

I have discovered that Munch loves math, science and art but is not too keen on language arts.  He becomes this ditzy, squirmy, hard to focus boy and I have to be on it to keep him on task (that was me with Math).  With that in mind, I came up with "off your butt" ways to learn letters and their sounds.  When it is an active game it doesn't feel like learning.  Grandma bought him some alphabet flash cards and we have been using those every day (thanks, Grandma S.)

Some fun ways to use Alphabet flash cards:

We scrambled the letters all over the floor and Munch would have to find the letters in order and make a train across the floor. Bubblegum loved the singing the ABCs song over and over. Interestingly enough, the last picture in the cards is zamboni, which was used to clean up the train when we were done.    

We found items around our house that started with each letter and taped them or clothes-pinned them to the item (speaking of that, I think he still has the U for "us"on his shirt in the laundry hamper).  

We also had a scavenger hunt for each card and then had to put each letter in order. Bubblegum was happy to participate in this activity and surprised me with the letters he recognized.  

I guess I can do this homeschool thing after all....

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Winter Fun-crafts and soup time!

I have to admit, after my boys sat and marvelled at the snow for a few minutes, I closed the blinds and turned on some good halogen lights and pretended it was Summer again.  I know, I know, I could hardly wait for Winter a month ago.  The grass is always greener...literally!  
In spite of my "bah snow' moment, I brought out the paper and scissors and as we talked about the beauty and wonder of snowflakes, we each made our own individual paper snowflake. Moms, do not underestimate the joy of making a paper snowflake...,duh! they get to wield scissors (what kid doesn't like using scissors?!)  
I learned a little something in this exercise husband can make a prettier snowflake than me. I actually found myself studying his and trying to find ways to make mine better but I...just...couldn't.  He is so wonderfully creative!  It was a great way to celebrate the coming snow. 
In keeping with the celebration with snow, here is a great website that has wonderful winter themed ideas.  I especially LOVE the ice ornaments. However, with Calgary's fluctuating temperatures, I wonder how long they would last.  

Courtesy of: Hands on as we Grow

I am not much for soup in the warmer seasons but once it gets chilly out, I am all over it!  Here are some of my great finds on Pinterest. 

This is a picture of a yummy Tomato and basil soup that I found.  However, when I went on the website to get the recipe I realized that it was in a language I do not know.  So, I found another recipe from with a less tantalizing photo but I am sure is just as yummy.

If you have not yet discovered yet, you must today.  I first found them when my friend Karla sent me the easiest and most amazing cinnamon bun recipe (I share the recipe in my post On the Lighter Side ). This Cheeseburger soup is something I think the kids might even enjoy. 

Keep warm and stay safe on the roads!  