Friday, 22 November 2013

Photo Sneak-a-Peek into our Day

 One morning in our household. These photos were taken before 9 am.  Enjoy! 
(I took these with my horrible cell phone which is soon to be replaced by my first iPhone. Yay!) 

Bubblegum drums several times a day on those silly broken drum pads.  His latest tune is Come Thou Fount. 

Goo is obsessed with brushing his teeth. I guess that's a good thing. 

One of the kids pooped in the tub last night. I was greatful for my disinfectant from Melaleuca. 

We do it ol' school in our home. Since the three year old is screen free, we have invested in the old style Leap Pads; the boys love learning with them. 

I finally gave in to Lego. What a wonderfully timeless toy. The boys mix it up between their new Lego and their daddy's old Lego. 

A crayon bomb was detonated in the living room this morning. It kind of looks like a heart. Awww. 

This is what you get when you tell the kids they can dress themselves. 

Have a great weekend.

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