You won't forget how adorable they were when their gummy smile turned into a 2 toothed one or how their looks changed when they suddenly had these seemingly massive white chicklets hanging below their top lip. You might remember that you got bitten while breastfeeding but it's more of a funny story now. What you will think after it is all done is, "Wow, that went by so fast."
Mom, sometimes it seems like that night will never end. Sometimes it seems that 8 months will never end. It does...and it will go faster than you would like. One day you will wake up and they will be losing those teeth that they agonized over, only to verbally express their excitement for their replacements.
So, cuddle them when they are fussy. Carry them around all day if you have to. Empathize as best you can (we "hear" it is a horrible pain). Take one 2 hour night sleep at a time. Enjoy the slobbery kisses and wet shoulders and be patient with the nips on the finger or boob. Put a bib on them to catch the drool and use all the necessary means to ease their pain. Enjoy each smile with its new teeth. It may seem hard to believe now but the memory of all of this hassle will be fuzzy and faint. Pray for them, comfort them and savour those moments. This too, shall pass.
...this was a pep talk for myself, but if it works for you too, awesome.
It is funny but I was literally looking at Jessica's baby book yesterday and showing her when she got her first two teeth. Then I looked at her and exclaimed you don't even have those teeth anymore they are gone already! All that work of growing them in for only five years of use.