Friday, 4 January 2013

New Years Resolution

Hello there.  I am so excited to be doing this blog.  I already have a few ideas for guest bloggers and have also decided to share a Pinterest Best Activity for the Day.  So fun.  
Now, I don't know if I have ever set a New Year's Resolution ever but this year I was feeling hopeful and determined.  So, I actually have two.  The first is to get the boys outside every day.  It may even be a half hour of getting out the door to stand out on the sidewalk for 5 minutes, but by-golly we are going to get outside and get some air.  I actually started it as soon as it got warm out, right after Christmas.  We have a great sledding hill right behind our house so Munch and Bubblegum and I headed out and had a blast.  I have a fall back for those busy days and that is a quick walk to the mailbox.  With a 4 and 2 year old that is a half hour ordeal in itself.  Last night we actually took out flashlights and walked 'in the dark'.  Our oldest (we will call him Munch), is a very cautious soul and he repeatedly stated, "I am not so sure about this."  I think in their minds all the world was asleep and we were out with the coyotes.  The reason I am doing this is partly because of resolution #2 and that is to be more joyful.  As a believer and follower of Christ, I am supposed to have an abundance of joy.  For some reason, I am not so good at taking hold of the joy that is freely given to me and so I resolve to grab it full gusto and let the "joy of the Lord be my strength!"  I know that my household will benefit from it greatly.  Living in wintery Alberta in mid-January can be trying on the mood sometimes, so I am praying that getting outside and making the most of our long winter season, will help with the cabin fever.  We are also going to start swimming lessons and try to take advantage of the Parent Link Centre in our community.  Does your community have one?  What a nice treat to go somewhere else, with all different toys and different play friends to meet.  I am so grateful for our Parent Link Centre.  They also offer free music and movement classes for infant to toddler.  If you haven't attended anything like that, I highly recommend you search one out where you are.   

Lastly, I wanted to pay tribute to my Grandma Esther Richardson, who passed away a week ago.  She was 85 years old and was my last living grandparent.  I had the privilege of growing up down the street from her for most of my life and have so many fond memories of our time together.  She taught me a lot about Jesus' love and the truths of His Word.  She would spend hours playing school with me, letting me be the teacher.  One of the funniest memories I have is when she let me teach her how to skip rope. She had never learned and so was willing to be taught but we had to hide behind their garage so the neighbours didn't see.  I will miss her dearly and long for the day I will be reunited with her in glory.  
In 2004 she put together a book for me with details of her growing up, dreams, accomplishments, fun stories, etc.  Here are some snip-its.  

The thing I like most about being a mother: 
Cuddling my babies and singing to them.  Teaching them things. Its a lasting bond of closeness. Sharing Jesus with them. 

The most difficult thing a mother has to do: 
Getting up in the night to care for babies.  See them given away to spouses.  See them suffer and make mistakes. 

An important lesson I hope all my children and grandchildren learn:
How unimportant the things of the world are in the light of eternity.  There is joy in serving Jesus and he wants them to help bring in lost souls before it is too late for them to be saved.  How much Jesus loves them and what his plan is for each one.  

 This is my favourite.  She had such a sense of humour.  This is her and my husband, Ryan, posin'. 
Esther Ruth Eileen Richardson (Silde) 1927-2012

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