Thursday, 3 January 2013

Other things natural...

Another reason I am using the word natural is because of a few changes I have made in our family's life. I would never call myself a hippy but it would seem I am bending to hippy-ish sorts of projects.  We recently entered the world of cloth diapers. I actually purchased some "gently used" cloth diapers from a girl in my babysitting co-op. So far, they are stinky but I will continue to try to save our family money and the landfills more trash by figuring them out.  Watch for my tips and tricks for A New Cloth Diaper Mommy. 
This Summer, we are going to plant a garden.  A couple from our church have a big plot of land and are letting whoever wants to, grow a garden on it. There are a few reasons I want to do this. 1. I grew up with garden vegetables and fruit and miss it so much. 2. Save money 3. Limit the amount of chemicals that go into my family 3. Teach my boys and, who am I kidding, myself , some work ethic. There will be a weekly feature on How Does Your Garden Grow starting in June...or when the frost leaves! 
Lastly, and I can't believe I am doing this but I am going to try homeschooling in the Fall. My oldest is starting kindergarten and I have felt lead to explore the world of homeschooling.  Yes, my only experience with homeschooling up until recently was the run-ins with socially strange kidsin homemade  clothing (not that there is anything wrong with making your own clothes).  However, I met one really cool homeschooling mom and her wonderful kids and I started researching.  Now I have a whole new appreciation and excitement for leading my children to live to learn.  I have a lot to still research but I hope I can help those of you who wondered about this idea as well. 
Some other things I will be sharing are great finds on Pinterest, like how to make your own laundry soap (I know!! This is getting ridiculous!), fun activities to keep your children from the television (or you from resorting to it), and grocery shopping for the financially and mathematically inept.
I look forward to hearing your stories and incites as well.  I love living in this age of social's like a virtual commune.  Ba ha ha ha. 
Bless you today. -Angela 

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