Saturday, 5 January 2013

Thunder and Light Studios- our latest faith venture

My husband Ryan has worked as a radio producer for the last 15 years.  One of our first conversations was realizing that we worked at the same radio station only months a part from each other.  He was very good at what he did and loved his radio family.  It was a strange place for an outspoken Christian to be, bad boy rock and top 40, but God placed him there for many divine conversations.  Then last year, he felt God calling him away from his work.  He actually heard God say, "Quit your job and I will pay your mortgage." What???!!! If you know Ryan, this is not a comfortable place to be. He is a very responsible and dependable, pay-your-credit-card-off every month type of guy.  It was a hard promise to rest on but he was obedient.  I, on the other hand, being a typical last born, was game for the adventure.  Even more exciting was that our third child was coming soon.  ("Wait, did she just say exciting." Yes, I did!).  A few months later we were watching a fabulous documentary about God's love in the darkest places on the planet and the call came.  Ryan knew that he was to make a documentary.  Does he have film experience? Nope. That's how our God works. Remember David and Goliath? His older and stronger brothers were more suited for the job but how does God get the glory in that?
Fast forward a half a year later.  We have been cared for as The Lord promised, our children are fed, clothed and happy.  We are making connections with people around the world that we couldn't have possibly met on our own, Ryan has been to Australia, New Zealand, Northern Manitoba and is set to go to Thailand and Sierra Leone next.  It has been exciting, challenging, frightening and faith building.  I am so proud of my man for his obedience to God's work.  I know it is going to be used to challenge and encourage believers to seek more of God and walk in power and freedom.  That being said, watch our trailer to see what it's about.

We hope to release the documentary in the Fall. To keep tabs on it, check out our website:

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