Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Food and Fun...and Stewart

I haven't introduced our dog Stewart.  He really is a good dog.  I have had him for 12 years, with the exception of 1.  I was living somewhere that didn't allow dogs so he lived with family; that didn't go so well.  Ryan adopted him when we got married and you would really think that he has always been Ryan's dog.  They are the best of friends.  Me and him, on the other hand, well its complicated.
After we had kids, things changed.  He just became a nuisance to me.  I have asked other dog moms out there and they too said that once they had kids they lost patience with their dog.  I guess its because he's the lowest guy on the totem pole and ends up getting the frustration from the day.  It might be because he is the one thing leftover from a broken relationship. Or maybe its because he poops in the vehicle when we leave him in it for more that 5 minutes, I don't know. Tonight, while sitting with the family, I reached down and petted his head; something I rarely do anymore (thank goodness he has 3 boys to do that).  He looked up at me as if to say, "Really? You do still love me?"  It was a special moment and kind of sad too.  I remembered the many walks we used to take back when I had the patience to let him pee on every pole, snowbank, tire or whatever was within reach on our journey.  I remembered the summer that he came with me to work when I was a counsellor at a Crisis Pregnancy Centre.  Those girls, so afraid, would hold him tightly while he licked the tears that dropped on their hands.  I wished that I could give him my time and energy like I once did and I think he was thinking the same thing.  He really is a good dog....except when he yaps at our neighbours and pees on the floor when guests come over.  He really is.

We actually tried out one of the Pinterest activities I have pinned.  The boys loved it and played for at least an hour and a half.  Let me share it with you:

Here is the pin pic. 
Pinner said, "This kept my 2 year busy for an entire hour and my 4 year old busy for 2 hours! YAY! Drop vinegar tinted with food coloring onto a pan filled with baking soda. Sheer minutes of colorful fizzy fun!"
Here are my boys doing the activity.  

Lastly, here's another great recipe I tried.  My male tribe loved it.  Ryan said I could make it every night (that's when I know it's a hit).  Crock pots rule!  Enjoy! 
Oh, it is a high sodium meal so I did not add the salt or the garlic salt because I knew there was already a tonne of salt in the soups.

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